Hi there. I'm Kayla. I'm a very boring person so I'll make this as exciting as possible.
*At day, I sit at a computer virtually 12 hours straight, doing nothing it seems, hanging around on Facebook, etc.
However, at night I transform into a vibrant super hero that wears tights and spandex helping elderly women across the street, annihilating noisy dogs, and recycling. It happens every night.
*- none of that was true
Now, in order for it to work, don't just sit there, actually do what he says. When he says "your arm is getting heavier, TRY to make your arm heavier.... if that makes sense.
OKAY this is the coolest thing ever xD It helps put me to sleep, and after I'm done with it it feels like I got a a spa treatment :0 Make sure you are on full screen
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