Hi there. I'm Kayla. I'm a very boring person so I'll make this as exciting as possible.
*At day, I sit at a computer virtually 12 hours straight, doing nothing it seems, hanging around on Facebook, etc.
However, at night I transform into a vibrant super hero that wears tights and spandex helping elderly women across the street, annihilating noisy dogs, and recycling. It happens every night.
*- none of that was true
I have several things to say about this. Here are my observations.
A. Muno did not bite Foofa. He ate most of her arm (the OMNOMNOMNOMNOM)
B. It's perfectly okay to "chomp" your friends, but don't bite them. That's bad.
C. Children biting others is now a such a prolific issue with children that something must be done. It's true. i'm in high school and people still bite.
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